Five Best Practices For Concrete5 Development

Concrete5 Best Practices

Concrete5 differs from many other content management systems on the web in that it lacks both a template engine and a theme compiler. Instead, all the core components of a site’s layouts are handled behind the scenes – meaning designers have an unprecedented degree of freedom when it comes to customizing how their site looks. As an added bonus, it also makes Concrete5 a fairly simple platform to learn from a development perspective – meaning a fledgling developer can get to work creating their own theme that much faster. Read more

Troubleshooting Some Of The Most Common Issues With Drupal

Troubleshooting Drupal

Drupal is a powerful tool in the right hands, but like any content management system, it isn’t perfect. Regardless of whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a green newcomer to the platform, you’re bound to eventually run into a problem or two you can’t figure out on your own. Today, we’re going to go over a few of the most common issues you’re likely encounter with a Drupal installation.

More importantly, we’re going to explain how to fix them. Read more

Setting Up A Blog With Joomla!: A Step By Step Guide

Joomla Logo

WordPress may be one of the best blogging tools around, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a shoe-in for your website.  There are plenty of things the competition simply does better; although WordPress is efficient, intuitive, and flexible, there’s something to be said for specialization – which, outside of blogging, is something WordPress lacks.

The open-source Joomla! is widely regarded as WordPress’s most formidable competitor, is among the most popular content management systems in the world, and  it’s backed by a great development community. On top of that, it’s actually able to handle a larger volume of articles and pages than WordPress, owing to the fact that it was originally designed as an enterprise-level CMS. Read more

Five Tips For Cutting Down Video Size Without Killing Quality

Cutting Down Video Size

In a perfect world, you’d be able to upload ultra high-quality videos to your website without having to worry about how large they are. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world. As such, one of your jobs as a webmaster is to strike a balance between size and quality. You want your videos to be watchable without having to sacrifice a metric ton of bandwidth.

Here are a few space-saving tips that’ll help you to accomplish just that. Read more

Why Concrete5 Is The Best Choice For A User Driven Website


The world of web design has changed a lot since the early days of the Internet. With the birth of social media, the user is more important than ever before. Perhaps as a direct result of platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, user-driven websites have never been more popular than they are today.

This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. After all, the modern web focuses almost exclusively on the user, particularly in light of Google’s recent efforts with its search engine. With that in mind, putting the user first during the design process seems like a rather obvious choice – as does focusing on user-generated content. Read more

Six Tips For Optimizing Your Drupal Installation

Drupal Logo

Drupal is an incredibly powerful content management system, with a high degree of flexibility and customizability. At the same time, it tends to be a touch more resource-intensive than other content management systems  — it’s a bit of a memory hog. If a Drupal installation isn’t properly optimized, it could very easily run into a whole host of performance problems as a website grows.

It goes without saying that this is something you want to avoid if at all possible.  After all, a sluggish website makes for a poor user experience, a poor user experience makes for lower search rankings, and lower search rankings make for lower traffic. Not really a cycle any webmaster wants to find their site in, is it? Read more

Which Content Management System Is Right For You

Choosing A CMS

Does your website need a content management system?

There’s a very good chance that the answer is an unequivocal “yes.” Although there’s certainly something to be said for building and maintaining one’s website the old-fashioned way(HTML and elbow grease), this is generally an impractical choice for anything other than a small website with a dedicated web designer (or a site without a regular update schedule). The fact is that most pages on the modern web are going to require a CMS of some sort in order to function. Read more

The Five Greatest Strengths Of MODX

MODX Strengths

Although it might not rival WordPress in terms of popularity, MODX is nevertheless one of the most widely-used content management systems in the world.  Perhaps the primary reason the latter doesn’t eclipse the former is tied to ease of use. MODX tends to be a touch more difficult to use than WordPress, which is one of the simplest no-fuss platforms online.

Of course, proponents of MODX claim that the initial difficulty curve is more than worth it when stacked against the sheer power and freedom it offers them. Is this true? Just what is it that makes MODX such a formidable CMS? Read more

Why You Should Only Have One Focus Keyword

Focus Keywords

One thing that virtually every SEO plugin of note shares in common is that they only allow one focus keyword per piece. More than once, I’ve heard folks question the reason for this. Wouldn’t it be better in the case of a piece with a wide range of topics to add multiple focus keywords?

No, not really. Read more

What Your WordPress Theme Says About Your Blog

WordPress Shirt Logo

The theme is arguably the most important element of a WordPress blog. It’s the first thing users will see when loading in, and will impact their perceptions before they even start reading. The impression a theme leaves on a blog’s readers will determine how they view the blog, what they think of the content and, ultimately, whether or not they’ll come back.

What a lot of authors don’t realize is that a theme accomplishes much more than making a first good impression. By studying how a blog is laid out, it’s entirely possible to accurately judge the author’s personality, what they generally write about, and the sort of content they produce. In certain rare cases, it may even be possible to discern an author’s industry. Read more